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Four Tips to Expedite the Timing for Opening a New Pharmaceutical Lab

About 80% of tenants searching for lab space want to occupy it immediately, so it is helpful to review these four tips to expedite the timing for opening a new pharmaceutical lab. There are several aspects that affect the timing process. It is helpful to acknowledge that while some factors are within your control others are not. By spending more time in the planning stage, you can avoid making errors down the line. For planning steps, read this overview of a timeline to build a lab.

Four tips to expedite timing:

1. Know clearly what you want in the space. For a guide to these details, view information needed for a design.

2. Avoid change orders by spending more time in the planning stage. This would include productive conversations between scientists, engineers, facilities people, architects, HVAC vendors and electricians prior to beginning the design.

3. Expedite the process by drafting a lease at same time you are preparing construction drawings and have an indemnification letter if necessary to cover any party for out of pocket costs in the event the project does not go through.

4. Leave some flexibility in the design for changes as the process moves forward.

Modifications to the plans both during the design phase and once construction begins (change orders) are the biggest delays. This can be mitigated by gathering information needed for design specs as companies get closer to the opening of a new pharmaceutical lab.

Please call for more information about available laboratory space in New Jersey.

Jeanne Sabo Rothenberg, CCIM
Vice President
NAI DiLeo-Bram & Co.
Cell: (908) 377-9004